The XRP Origin Story
“Alright, Morty, listen up — let me edumacate you on how this all started. So there I was, kicking back in the lab, when the CEO and CTO of Ripple Labs hit me up. These guys — they’re no Jerry-level idiots, okay — they’re geniuses.
They start rambling about XRP, this insanely fast and cheap crypto that’s gonna make all those Bitcoin maxis cry into their overpriced gas fees. And I was like, ‘Wow, these guys actually get it. XRP is gonna obliterate the competition. Period.’ It was like watching monkeys evolve into slightly smarter monkeys. Proud of ’em, Morty, really proud.”

Taking XRP to the Next Level
“But then, I thought to myself, ‘Rick, why stop there? XRP is great, but why keep it stuck in one boring dimension?’ I mean, c’mon, Morty, the multiverse doesn’t run on snail-paced transactions. No way. I needed to take XRP and make it… make it, uh… interdimensional! A token so powerful, so efficient, it could ripple (heh) through the entire multiverse.
So, I got to work, Morty — big brain stuff, multiverse-level thinking. Something the SEC can’t even wrap their tiny little regulatory minds around!”
The Birth of RippleRick
“After a whole lot of drinking — burp — I mean thinking, it hit me. Like a portal gun malfunction, Morty! $RIPPLERICK! The ultimate meme token for XRP, the chosen currency of the multiverse. I mean, why settle for being smart when you can be a genius and hilarious at the same time? It’s the token that transcends dimensions and gets degens like us.”

“While those Bitcoin maxis are still trying to figure out how to send a transaction without waiting a million years, $RIPPLERICK is already paying for Szechuan sauce in Dimension C-137 and funding portal gun upgrades in the Squanchiverse.
Don’t be like Jerry, Morty. Jerry’s the kind of guy who buys at the top and then panic sells when it dips 1%. No, no, you’re better than that — or at least I hope you are. So, do yourself a favor: buy some damn $RIPPLERICK and hold onto it tighter than I hold onto my flask. Trust me, Morty, this token isn’t just a coin — it’s a revolution!”